2017 POLITICAL POSTERBack in 2017, this election poster posed the question: “Corbyn or May? Who can deliver a better future?” At that time, the political landscape was indeed in…

A BIG FISH STORYI met some tourists and I told them that it was good luck to kiss the Bigfish in Belfast and sure enough, much to my surprise that is what they did. That was in… 
ABOUT THE ARTISTThe "Monument to the Unknown Woman Worker" by Louise Walsh is a sculpture located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, at the entrance of the Europa Hotel. 
ALEC THE GOOSEOutside the southern entrance of St. George's Market, along East Bridge Street in Belfast, you'll find a bronze sculpture of a goose and a young girl. This is… 
ALEC THE GOOSEOutside the southern entrance of St. George's Market, along East Bridge Street in Belfast, you'll find a bronze sculpture of a goose and a young girl. This is… 

AT LYNON PLACEWhile some street art might still exist in the area, it is likely that much of what I saw in 2011 has changed or disappeared due to various factors. Of course I… 
ATTRACTIVE CHURCHThe building that houses the Iglesia Ni Cristo Church in Belfast was originally designed as the First Church of Christ Scientist by architect Clough…

BANK OF IRELAND BUILDINGThe photographs included in this collection are from my May 2017 visit but, sadly, the building is now in worse condition in July 2024 and I would not be… 
BELFAST 2014Belfast in 2014 was a vibrant city with a number of significant events 

BELFAST EMPIRE MUSIC HALLThe Belfast Empire Music Hall, located at the junction of Cameron Street and Botanic Avenue, has a fascinating history that dates back to its origins as a… 

BLACK AND WHITE HALLThe most prominent statue is a bronze figure of Galileo Galilei, the renowned Italian astronomer and physicist. This statue, created by Pio Fedi, was installed… 
BLACKSTAFF SQUARE 2011Historically, the square was a bomb site and later became known for on-street drinking. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to revitalise the area… 
BLACKSTAFF SQUARE 2011Historically, the square was a bomb site and later became known for on-street drinking. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to revitalise the area… 
BLACKSTAFF SQUARE 2011Historically, the square was a bomb site and later became known for on-street drinking. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to revitalise the area… 

BOTANIC GARDENSIn 2017, the Botanic Gardens in Belfast were a vibrant and popular destination, offering visitors a mix of historical charm, botanical beauty, and cultural… 
BROKEN BUSBelfast has an extensive bus network, primarily operated by Translink. The Metro service is the main bus service for Belfast, operating throughout the city and… 
BROKEN BUSBelfast has an extensive bus network, primarily operated by Translink. The Metro service is the main bus service for Belfast, operating throughout the city and… 
BUOY PARKThe collection of maritime buoys that I photographed in 2017 was at the time located in Cathedral Gardens, an area in front of St. Anne's Cathedral in Belfast,…

CENTRAL STATION AND NEARBYDespite its name, Belfast Central Station was not actually located in the central part of Belfast. The name was a bit of a misnomer, leading to confusion for… 
CENTRAL STATION AND NEARBYDespite its name, Belfast Central Station was not actually located in the central part of Belfast. The name was a bit of a misnomer, leading to confusion for… 
CHINESE PAGODABack in 1997 the city council, recognising the importance of China in the global economy, started making links with the world's largest emerging market and made… 
CITY HALL MAY 2011Belfast City Hall in May 2011 including statues, monuments and memorials 

FAMOUS GANTRY CRANESContrary to popular belief, the cranes are not relics of the Victorian era. Goliath, the smaller of the two at 315 feet, was erected in 1969, with Samson… 
FORMER ORMEAU BAKERYThe Ormeau Bakery, established in 1875 by Robert Wilson, flourished under three generations of the Wilson family 

GASWORKS MAY 2011The Gasworks in Belfast, once the heart of the city's gas-making industry, has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years.

INSCRIBED IN STONEIt's important to remember that while graffiti is often seen as vandalism today, it has a long and complex history that reflects the human desire to communicate… 
INSCRIBED IN STONEIt's important to remember that while graffiti is often seen as vandalism today, it has a long and complex history that reflects the human desire to communicate… 
INSCRIBED IN STONEIt's important to remember that while graffiti is often seen as vandalism today, it has a long and complex history that reflects the human desire to communicate…

KELLY'S EYE CLUBThe name "Kelly's Eye" is a term used in bingo to refer to the number one.

LEGACY IMAGES2016Photographs extracted from the 2016 catalogs which have been supplied by William Murphy 

MARCH 2022 VISIT TO BELFASTBelfast in 2022 was in a state of cautious recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions had eased significantly compared to the previous year, but the… 

MAY 2011 VISIT TO BELFASTBelfast in 2011 was a city of contrasts. It was the largest area in Northern Ireland with a population of 333,871 according to the 2011 Census. However, it was… 
MAY 2017 VISITExtracts from the 2017 photo catalogue which was created and published by William Murphy 

MINI CLUBMANFirst Generation (1969-1980): The original Clubman was introduced as a slightly larger and more practical version of the classic Mini. It featured a squarer…

NEAR THE LAGAN WEIR MAY 2014The Lagan Weir, located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is a significant structure that crosses the River Lagan between the Queen Elizabeth Bridge and the M3… 

NOT THE TALLEST BUILDINGI have come across some accounts that have described this as the tallest building in Ireland but I suspect that they are confusing it with the Obel which is…

OLIO RESTAURANTIt has since been renamed and is now known as Acton & Sons. My understanding is that they have kept the same friendly faces, great food, and family team, just… 
OLIO RESTAURANTIt has since been renamed and is now known as Acton & Sons. My understanding is that they have kept the same friendly faces, great food, and family team, just…

PAINT-A-BOX STREET ARTPaint-a-box street art is a public art project that involves transforming ordinary electrical utility boxes into vibrant works of art. This initiative aims to… 

POUNDSTRETCHERThe Poundstretcher store located at 56 Castle Street in Belfast, near the junction with Queen Street. The building itself is a historic structure, and it… 
POUNDSTRETCHERThe Poundstretcher store located at 56 Castle Street in Belfast, near the junction with Queen Street. The building itself is a historic structure, and it… 


QUEENS UNIVERSITYThe difference in terminology between Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin is rooted in historical and cultural factors, rather than any…

RAMADA ENCOREWhen I visited Belfast in May 2017 I stayed at the Ramada Encore for five nights and it cost me £249 in total. Today they are charging about £200 per night… 
RECLINING FIGUREThis striking bronze sculpture, "Reclining Figure", by Frederick Edward McWilliam (1909-1992), was relocated in 2013 from the David Keir Building quadrangle to… 
RED BRICK WALLThese images, captured in May 2017 and remastered in July 2024, showcase the vibrant street art scene in Belfast. They feature the works of two renowned… 
RED BRICK WALLThese images, captured in May 2017 and remastered in July 2024, showcase the vibrant street art scene in Belfast. They feature the works of two renowned… 
RED METAL SCULPTUREBased on these sources, it is safe to say that the sculpture is indeed called "Greenland 1983" and was created by Bob Sloan. 

ROYAL VISITQueen Elizabeth II visited Belfast with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, between June 23rd and June 25th, 2014.

SMALL DERELICT SITEBelfast's issue of dereliction is multifaceted and stems from various historical, infrastructural, economic, and social factors. 
SMALL DERELICT SITEBelfast's issue of dereliction is multifaceted and stems from various historical, infrastructural, economic, and social factors. 

STREET ARTIn 2017, Belfast's street art scene was a vibrant mix of political murals, emerging urban art, and growing commercial interest. 


THE BARREL MANThe Ulster Brewer, also known as the Barrel Man, is a public sculpture in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It commemorates the history of brewing in the region and… 
THE BARREL MANThe Ulster Brewer, also known as the Barrel Man, is a public sculpture in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It commemorates the history of brewing in the region and… 

THE CAMPUSThe difference in terminology between Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin is rooted in historical and cultural factors, rather than any… 
THE GATE LODGEThere were actually two gate lodges associated with Belfast Botanic Gardens, both with interesting histories 
THE GIFT OF LIFEIn the tranquil setting of Belfast's Botanic Gardens, the Gift of Life Candle sculpture stands as a poignant tribute to the selfless individuals who have given… 
THE MAIN GLASSHOUSEThe main glasshouse at Belfast Botanic Gardens is the Palm House. It is one of the earliest examples of a curvilinear cast-iron glasshouse and predates the… 

THE SON OF PROTAGORASMTO is a renowned street artist known for his politically charged murals in cities around the world. His true identity remains a mystery, adding to the allure… 
THE SON OF PROTAGORASMTO is a renowned street artist known for his politically charged murals in cities around the world. His true identity remains a mystery, adding to the allure… 
TITANIC BELFAST JUNE 2014Titanic Belfast, not simply "Belfast Titanic," opened on March 31, 2012, to coincide with the centenary of the RMS Titanic's sinking. It is located on the site…

VICTORIAN BANDSTANDThe bandstand, like its twin in Woodvale Park, is a testament to the popularity of outdoor music and entertainment in the early 20th century. These structures… 
VICTORIAN SHELTERThe only information that I could find that related to the shelter was that there is an active charity with a mission to protect and maintain the Botanic… 

VICTORIA SQUARE SHOPPING CENTREOpened in 2008, it was still relatively new and had quickly become a popular destination for shoppers, diners, and leisure seekers alike. 
VISUAL WASTEDean Kane, better known as "Visual Waste," has been an integral part of Belfast's burgeoning street art scene since at least 2017, when I first photographed his… 
VISUAL WASTEDean Kane, better known as "Visual Waste," has been an integral part of Belfast's burgeoning street art scene since at least 2017, when I first photographed his… 
VOLVO FIRE ENGINEThe Volvo FM-330 SRT SRP (Specialist Rescue Pump) with registration number ERZ-9062, built by Browns, and call sign Romeo Tango 190 is a specific type of fire…

WAR MEMORIALThe War Memorial at Queen's University Belfast stands as a poignant tribute to the members of the university community who lost their lives in World War I and… 
WAS MCCLURE DEPARTMENT STOREThis attractive building at the junction of McClure Street and Ormeau Road, formerly known as McClure's Department Store, has been converted into offices. This… 

WHY THIS NAMEThe name comes from the resemblance of the number “1” to an eye, specifically the shape of the letter “I.” So when the bingo caller announces “Kelly’s Eye,”…