

The air hung heavy with the salty tang of the River Lagan, a scent as familiar to Belfast as the cheerful clang of shipyard cranes. I paused my stroll along Donegall Quay, my gaze drawn as always to the radiant mosaic scales of the Big Fish. It was a marvel of art, a tribute to the Salmon of Knowledge from Celtic lore, its vibrant tiles whispering tales of wisdom and transformation.

That spring of 2011, tourists flocked like eager starlings, their cameras clicking and whirring as they captured the majestic sculpture against the backdrop of the Custom House. A couple, ruddy-cheeked from the sea breeze, approached me, their eyes wide with wonder. "What a magnificent creature!" the woman exclaimed, her hand gently tracing the contours of a ceramic scale. "What does it symbolise?"

"This is the Big Fish," I began, a hint of pride colouring my words. "It represents the Salmon of Knowledge, a fish said to grant wisdom to whoever ate it. It's a symbol of Belfast's rebirth, a city brimming with knowledge and creativity."

The couple listened intently, their curiosity piqued. "Is there a legend associated with it?" the man enquired, his eyes sparkling with a childlike eagerness.

A mischievous grin spread across my face. "Legend has it," I whispered conspiratorially, "that kissing the Big Fish brings good luck."

Their eyes widened in surprise, and a moment of hesitation hung in the air. Then, with a shared glance and a shrug of amusement, they leaned forward and pressed their lips to the cool, smooth surface of the sculpture. A ripple of laughter filled the air as they pulled away, their faces flushed with a newfound glow.

"Thank you for sharing that with us," the woman said, her eyes twinkling with gratitude. "We'll carry this bit of luck with us on our journey."

As they walked away, their hands intertwined, I couldn't help but smile. Perhaps it was just a whimsical tale, a playful fabrication spun from the threads of folklore. But in that moment, as I watched the couple stroll away, I couldn't deny the sense of magic that had infused the air.

It was a reminder that sometimes, the most profound experiences are born from the simplest of gestures. A kiss, a shared laugh, a whispered secret—these fleeting moments have the power to ignite sparks of joy and wonder, leaving an enduring mark on our hearts.

The Big Fish, in all its shimmering glory, continued to watch over the river, its silent presence a testament to the enduring power of myth and the transformative potential of human connection. And as I continued my walk along the quay, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this chance encounter, a reminder that even in the heart of a bustling city, magic can be found in the most unexpected of places.