I had been informed that this mural was located at or near the Translink Short Strand Bus Depot but photographed this at Lower Stansfield Street so I assume that there must be at least versions.
The first fatalities of the 1916 Easter Rising.
Con Keating, Daniel Sheehan and Charlie Monahan drowned when the car they were in went off the pier at Ballykissane pier outside Killorglin on Good Friday night 1916. They were on their way to Cahirciveen to seize the wireless station at Valentia Island with a view to transmitting a series of false signals which would fool the Royal Navy into believing that a German attack on Scottish naval bases was imminent. It was hoped that such a move would allow the Aud, the German ship carrying arms for the Irish Volunteers, to proceed unmolested through Irish waters.
On the 24th April the Irish Times reported the following: Three men, whose names are unknown, were drowned in the River Laune, near Killorglin, Thursday night. They were motoring towards Tralee and, taking the wrong turn, the car went over the quay wall, and the three men were drowned. The chauffeur escaped. Two of the bodies were recovered last evening.
Note: The accident actually occurred on the Friday and not on Thursday.