To the best of my knowledge the redevelopment work at Wolfe Tone Park and Street had been completed so why is the bronze cow still located at Wood Quay where most people do not pay attention to it.
This bronze sculpture of a cow has been moved to Wood Quay while Wolfe Tone Park it being redeveloped and while this may be a more pleasant location I would prefer to have it at Wolfe Tone Park especially as it has been very popular with local children.
Ag Crú na Gréine “Enjoying the Sun” (2003) by Jackie McKenna
Wolfe Tone Park & Street Environmental Improvement Scheme offers a new destination point for all, as an ever-changing civic space where daily life and spectacle collide. The contextual design offers a thriving and inviting multi-use urban space for all ages and abilities, to be treasured by residents, workers and visitors. The design consists of two phases:
Phase one, the redesign and refurbishment of Wolfe Tone Street to create a more pedestrian friendly environment with new public lighting and street furniture and the use of a historic materials palette, creating both a high quality environment and character area.
Phase two involves the refurbishment of Wolfe Tone Park, everything within the park has been designed with intent: from the proposed new feature lawn, the retention of the existing mature trees, the proposed horticulture, to conservation and recognition of the parks history as a graveyard.
The new design for Wolfe Tone Park & Street Environmental Improvement Scheme will provide a green oasis and destination point in the heart of Dublin’s bustling city centre.
This project is co-funded with €1.2m from the ERDF’s S&E Regional Operational Programme 2014-20 – Designated Urban Centres Grant Scheme and Dublin City Council.