As you can see from my photographs it was really wet when I visited and the park was, as a result, almost deserted.
The park was formally opened in 1877, in memory of Richard Russell, a prominent local businessman.
Items of interest in the People’s Park include the refurbished drinking fountain, the Limerick City Gallery of Art, children’s playground (toddlers – 10 years old), a band stand and two park shelters.
The park has a large selection of mature, deciduous and evergreen trees such as, Ash, Beech, Birch, Elm, False Acacia, Flowering Cherry, Flowering Crab, Hawthorn, Holly, Hornbeam, Horse Chestnut, Lime, Maple, Mountain Ash, Oak, Ornamental Pear, Plane, Poplar, Walnut, Whitebeam and Willow plus, of course, a wonderful display of flowers during the summer months.