My grandmother claimed that it was known as the 100 foot road as it was 100 feet wide but, at the time, I had a feeling that she told me this as I never stopped asking questions. Anyway, I checked today and discovered that width of the road carriageway is approximately 12.0m. 3.0m wide pedestrian footpaths (approximately) are provided either side of Griffith Avenue behind a 2.0m grass verge (approximately). Note: when reviewing the photograph I managed to read an information board featuring the history of the road and it states that the road is 100 feet wide.
As mentioned above Griffith Avenue was once known as the 100 foot road. It runs from Marino, through Drumcondra, onwards to Glasnevin. It is the longest residential double tree lined avenue in the northern hemisphere, at over 1km long. It was named after Arthur Griffith 3rd president of Ireland, and is present more or less in it’s current mode since 1926. The majority of the housing was built between 1919-1960 and boasts some handsome red brick homes much sought after almost one hundred years later.