This garden is new garden is located in a newly developed square just outside the Botany Department.
HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn visited the Trinity College Campus 06 September 2014 and my two friends from Thailand were more than excited.
Thailand’s biodiversity can be considered a world heritage possession. Fifty years ago, in 1963, the ‘Flora of Thailand’ project was initiated under Thai-Danish collaboration. The aim was to produce a complete account of all the native vascular plants of Thailand. In 1985, Trinity joined this project. Since then the plant systematics research group in Trinity’s herbarium has made major contributions to the project with the discovery and publication of very many species new to science.
One of these new shrubs has recently been named Buxus sirindhorniana, in honour of Her Royal Highness. The naming of this shrub is particularly appropriate because Her Royal Highness has a life-long interest in the natural world and in the conservation and study of biodiversity. And she is a long-term advocate of sustainable development.