I usually try to complete my Christmas shopping before the 8th of December the day that old Dubliners once referred to as ‘Culchie Shopping Day’. It was, and may still be, the day when country cousins came to Dublin to shop for Christmas. When, as a student, I worked in retail back in the 1960s it was crucial to Dublin retailers, as the traditional shopping day for people from outside the capital to journey to the city. It is also the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a holiday very much observed by farmers.
The boom in online shopping and Black Friday means special December 8th deals are a thing of the past but there is still an influx of visitors into the city centre.
Note: Culchie is a pejorative term in Hiberno-English for someone from rural Ireland. The term usually has a pejorative meaning directed by urban Irish against rural Irish, but since the late 20th century, the term has also been reclaimed by some who are proud of their rural or small town origin. In Dublin, the term culchie is often used to describe someone from outside County Dublin, including commuter towns such as Maynooth. In Belfast, Northern Ireland, the term is used to refer to persons from outside of the city proper but not necessarily outside the Greater Belfast area.