"Traces of Fire" (2004) was a collaborative art project by Volkmar Klien and Ed Lear, exploring the social dynamics and urban cartography of Limerick city. The project involved distributing numerous disposable cigarette lighters equipped with GPS tracking devices throughout the city. These lighters were strategically left in public spaces, pubs (including The Holy Ground), and other locations, to be picked up and used by unsuspecting members of the public.

As the lighters changed hands and travelled throughout Limerick, their movements were meticulously tracked by the artists. This data was then used to create a unique map of the city, illustrating the lighters' journeys and the interconnectedness of different social spaces and communities. The resulting map was a visual representation of the city's social fabric, highlighting patterns of movement, interaction, and exchange.

"Traces of Fire" aimed to challenge traditional notions of mapping and cartography by incorporating the element of human agency and chance encounters. By tracking the lighters' movements, the artists sought to reveal the hidden networks and connections that shape urban life, offering a fresh perspective on the city's social landscape. The project also raised questions about surveillance, privacy, and the unintended consequences of everyday actions.

The "Traces of Fire" map was eventually exhibited at City Hall, Merchants Quay, in Limerick, providing a unique and thought-provoking glimpse into the city's social dynamics. It served as a reminder of the complex and often invisible ways in which individuals and communities interact, shaping the urban environment and contributing to its collective identity.