Green Street and Green's Bridge in Kilkenny have a long and intertwined history, with the bridge playing a crucial role in the development of the street and the surrounding area.

Green Street

Green Street has been a significant thoroughfare in Kilkenny since at least the 13th century. Its name, however, has an uncertain origin. Some speculate it might be derived from a family named Greene who owned land in the area in the 17th century. Others suggest it could refer to the presence of a green or common area nearby.

Historically, Green Street served as a key route for trade and transport, connecting the city center to the northern suburbs and beyond. It housed various businesses, residences, and even a mill in the past.

Green's Bridge

Green's Bridge, or Greensbridge, spans the River Nore and has undergone numerous rebuilds due to frequent flooding. The current bridge, completed in 1766, is an elegant five-arch limestone structure designed by George Smith. It is considered one of the finest bridges in Ireland.

The origin of the bridge's name is unclear. While a Greene family owned land in the area, there's no definitive link to the bridge's name. It's possible the street and the bridge were named independently, with the bridge adopting the "Green's" prefix later.

Relationship Between Street and Bridge

The bridge and street have a symbiotic relationship. The bridge's existence facilitated the development of Green Street as a major route, while the street's importance led to the bridge's repeated reconstruction after floods.


While there have been some recent developments along Green Street, including the construction of new apartments and the restoration of historical buildings, a comprehensive redevelopment plan for the entire area does not currently exist.

Flood Defense

Due to the River Nore's history of flooding, flood defense is a concern for the Green Street area. The Office of Public Works (OPW) has conducted flood risk assessments and proposed potential flood defense measures for Kilkenny city. These measures include the construction of flood walls, embankments, and the improvement of drainage systems. However, specific plans for flood defense in the immediate vicinity of Green Street have not been finalized.


Green Street and Green's Bridge are integral parts of Kilkenny's history and urban landscape. Their intertwined history reflects the city's development and adaptation to challenges like flooding. While the area has seen some redevelopment, a comprehensive plan is yet to be implemented. Flood defense remains an ongoing concern, with potential measures being considered by the OPW.