

April Showers Bring Many May Flowers - And This Year, Many Rainbows

"April showers bring May flowers" is an old Irish expression. This saying emphasises the idea that the sometimes dreary April rain is necessary to nourish the flowers that burst into bloom in the following month of May.

Weather Transition

April is a transitional month between the remnants of winter and the arrival of warmer weather. This means weather patterns can be very unsettled. Cold air might clash with warmer air, leading to quick bursts of heavy rain often followed by sunny spells.

Jet Stream

The jet stream, a band of strong winds high in the atmosphere, tends to move northward in early spring. This can bring frequent low-pressure systems across Ireland and Britain, resulting in more rain.


The phrase "April showers" highlights the fickle nature of the weather. One minute there could be clear skies, and the next, a sudden downpour. This makes outdoor activities like photography a bit unpredictable!

Impacts of the Rain

Farming Challenges

As you may have heard, excessive April rain does create problems for farmers. Wet soil delays planting, and if seeds are planted, heavy downpours could wash them away, impacting crop growth later in the season.

Waterlogged Fields

This can affect livestock too. Muddy fields make it difficult for animals to graze, and waterlogged conditions increase the risk of certain livestock diseases.


On the upside, the interplay of rain and sunlight does create the perfect conditions for rainbows, a captivating spectacle that I have tried to capture using my Sony and iPhone cameras.

While April showers are expected, their intensity can vary each year. If you feel it's been excessively rainy, you might check out Met Éireann (for Ireland) or the Met Office (for the UK), the official weather organisations for each country. They often have historical data allowing comparison with past years.