

Today I Crossed the Halfpenny Bridge to get to Lower Liffey Street which could be best described as a construction site but it should look good when the project has been completed.

Liffey Street in Dublin, Ireland, is divided into two sections: Upper Liffey Street and Lower Liffey Street. Lower Liffey Street is the section nearest to the River Liffey and the Halfpenny Bridge.

Liffey Street traces its roots back to Dublin’s medieval period. It formed a significant route connecting the city centre to the River Liffey’s quays, a bustling hub of trade and commerce.

In the mid-nineteenth century, Lower Liffey Street was occupied mainly by furniture brokers. Over time, many three-storey eighteenth-century houses were converted into shops.

Dublin City Council, in partnership with Cairn Construction, is currently implementing the Liffey Street Public Realm Works Scheme. This scheme is part of the Public Realm Strategy, the City Centre Masterplan, and the Reimagining Dublin One Study. The project involves street improvement works to both Upper and Lower Liffey Street. The footpaths will be widened and repaved in granite, and notable new planting will be included.

The proposed works extend the full length of Liffey Street Upper and Lower from its junction with Henry Street running south to its junction with Ormond Quay and Bachelor’s Walk along the Liffey Quays.

Future Plans The draft Dublin City Centre Transport Plan aims to shift drivers away from the city centre and create more space for walking, cycling, and public transport. The overall transport vision in this plan is for a low traffic city centre. The traffic management changes envisaged as part of this plan aim to significantly reduce volumes of car traffic in the city centre. Proposals to restrict traffic driving through Dublin city centre are expected to come into effect from August 2024.

As part of the Liffey Street Public Realm Works Scheme, the existing pedestrian area on Liffey Street Upper is extended to the intersection with Abbey Street. A new pedestrian plaza will be created on Liffey Street Lower between Strand Street and the Quays.

However, a short section of the street will remain open to traffic. This balanced approach aims to create a pedestrian-friendly environment while still accommodating necessary vehicular traffic.