

The Best Night Ever Sculpture by Bob Quinn [During Storm Kathleen]

The Best Night Ever Sculpture by Bob Quinn [During Storm Kathleen]

Despite a storm warning, I decided to visit the Botanic Gardens. Keeping my lens dry was a significant challenge, and this greatly impacted nearly all of the images I captured.

I have photographed this sculpture many times as it is one of my favourites.

It's worth noting that I have encountered another copy of this sculpture in City West. Unfortunately, the last time I tried to photograph the one in City West, I was informed by security, who shadowed me for about fifteen minutes, that I was on private property and that photography was prohibited. I was asked to leave immediately, and my policy is not to argue.

Born in 1948, Bob Quinn enjoyed a longcareer in the Irish advertising business as a commercial artist, designer, and the head of a successful design and production company. He now works full-time as a sculptor in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

Storm Kathleen's Impact

Over the weekend, Storm Kathleen swept across Ireland, leaving a trail of disruption in its wake. With its powerful gusts and heavy rainfall, the storm caused widespread power outages and travel chaos throughout the country, but it was at its worst in the South and the West.

Storm Kathleen made landfall with potent winds, reaching speeds of up to 110 kilometres per hour along coastal regions. Counties Galway and Mayo bore the brunt of its impact, facing a Status Orange wind warning. The rest of Ireland was under a Yellow wind warning, still experiencing significant disruptions. Fallen trees and power lines were widespread, leaving approximately 34,000 homes and businesses without electricity. ESB Networks scrambled to restore power, but many areas remained in the dark for extended periods.

The storm's potent winds caused significant disruptions to transportation networks. Rail services in and out of Dublin's Heuston Station were suspended due to a fallen tree obstructing the line. Flights, particularly those to and from Belfast City Airport, faced cancellations. Ferry crossings were also affected, with choppy seas causing delays and cancellations.

Authorities issued warnings urging people to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. The ESB emphasised the danger of downed power lines, advising the public to never approach them and instead report incidents immediately. The Irish Coast Guard also warned of dangerous coastal conditions.