To some extent I have lost track of progress in the Newmarket Area of Dublin so I decided to visit a few days ago and take a few photographs using my iPhone 12 Pro Max. I will revisit the general area using a better camera within a few weeks.
The Newmarket area is currently undergoing significant change. As part of this change, redevelopment of the larger blocks should eventually contribute to the creation of a permeable, active network of pedestrian streets, as identified in the Guiding Principles Map produced by Dublin City Council. In particular, development should deliver active and animated frontages along the building edges, in particular, at the Cork St. and Newmarket Square interfaces. In this regard, development should respond to the emerging public realm improvements at Newmarket Square and surrounds.
In this area, base heights should be 6-8 storeys, where heritage, built form character and residential amenity considerations allow. However, along the Cork St. frontage, heights should respond to the prevailing heights on this part of the street. The opportunity for locally higher buildings up to 12-14 storeys to provide urban design and placemaking benefits to the emerging character of the Newmarket area exists at the identified locations.
Better integration of Newmarket with the Coombe and areas further to the north as part of any public realm works to Cork St. or as part of the BusConnects project will be pursued.
Community and cultural uses at Newmarket Square should be protected into the future.