On the 5th October, 1931 a new All Irish Secondary School for boys was opened in No 6 Harcourt Street in Dublin.
This school was named Cólaiste Mhuire under the trusteeship of the Christian Brothers. The school retained in its temporary location for 2 years. In 1933 the school was relocated to no 25 Parnell Square and due to the rapid expansion of the school No 23-28 Parnell Square were occupied by the school over a period of time.
Due to the demand for places in the school a private preparatory school was established in 1938 to prepare boys for entry to Cólaiste Mhuire. This private preparatory school for boys aged 7-12 thrived until the late 1980’s. At this stage numbers dwindled due to a lesser demand for private primary education and a growing trend in the establishing of all Irish Primary Schools all over Dublin. At this stage the trustees (The Christian Brothers) decided to close the private preparatory school due to lack of funding. A group of parents in the school felt that this was a terrible blow to Irish and to the education being provided in the school. This group of parents set up a primary school for boys (aged 4-12) under the Department of Education and SKills in September 1988. The school was named Gaelscoil Cólaiste Mhuire.
Initially the school was granted temporary recognition but due to the demand for places in the school and its subsequent growth, the school was granted permanent recognition in 1991. In 1996 the school became co-educational.
Due to the poor condition of the buildings in 23-27 Parnell Square, the school was requested to relocate to temporary accommodation until a suitable permanent site could be identified. The primary school relocated to No 7 Parnell Square east in 2000 and awaits a suitable permanent location for the school.
There was a development plan which appears to have been abandoned and it listed the following elements:
The Architectural and Urban Heritage Impact Report states that the proposed development is to consist of:
“Refurbishment, alteration and adaptation of Nos 20-21 & 23-28 Parnell Square North – eight Georgian buildings, all protected structures last occupied by Dublin City Arts Office/The National Ballroom (Nos 20-21) and Colaiste Mhuire School (Nos 23-28).
Demolition of structures to the rear of Nos 23-28 Parnell Square North comprising the former Amharclann/Theatre building to the rear of Nos 26 & 27; boundary wall to Frederick Lane North and, the historic return structure to No 23, which were part of former school complex.
Development of a new part five storey over part basement building to the rear of Nos 23-28 which will be connected to Nos 23-28 to form a single library complex comprising the historic Georgian buildings and the new building.
Public Realm works to Parnell Square North comprising retention and repair of existing historic pavements with increased pavement widths in new stone; new street lighting, street furniture, tree planting and services infrastructure integrated within the ground and furniture elements to facilitate amenity uses associated with the cultural quarter and library.
Alterations to Frederick Lane North and Bethesda Place, both to the north of the proposed library complex, to allow for service and emergency vehicular access to the new library facility.
Relocation of existing Miami Showband memorial in front of Nos 20- 21.