

Here's the story behind the two spellings of Phibsborough, an area in Dublin:

The Original and the Abbreviation

Phibsborough: This is the original spelling, reflecting the area's historical roots. The name likely comes from a combination of an Anglo-Norman family name (Phipps) and the word "borough."
Phibsboro: This shorter version emerged as a practical abbreviation. It's believed that Dublin Bus shortened the name to fit it on the destination displays of their buses. Over time, this abbreviated version became commonly used.
Both are Accepted

Today, you'll see both "Phibsborough" and "Phibsboro" used. Both are considered correct, and the choice is often a matter of personal preference or what's being referenced (for example, the official Dublin City Council website uses "Phibsborough").

Similar Cases

This type of abbreviation is not uncommon in place names. You might see similar examples in:

Bessborough (Cork): Often shortened to Bessboro
Marlborough (London): Shortened to Marlboro