This series of photographs is from my February 2008 visit to Sandymount Strand, with a brief detour to Merrion Strand. I should mention that the files are on a hard drive that has sat on a shelf unused since 2009 so I was surpride that I could access them without and problems.

I travelled by train from Blackrock to Booterstown Station, then walked to the former Merrion Gates Station. Beside the railway crossing (between Sydney Parade and Booterstown) is an unappealing laneway leading onto Merrion Strand. This 0.7-kilometre beach was almost deserted during my visit, contrasting sharply with the nearby Sandymount Strand, bustling with locals swimming and walking their dogs.

I had intended to walk along Merrion Strand to Sandymount but abandoned the idea after five minutes due to the unpleasant smell and the difficulty of walking in the sand/mud. In June 2020, Merrion Strand was officially declassified as a bathing area after five consecutive years of "poor" water quality, requiring Dublin City Council to advise against swimming under EU law.

A 2018 report revealed that "three of five lowest-rated bathing beaches in Ireland are in Dublin," namely:

Sandymount Strand
Merrion Strand
Portrane (the Brook) Beach
While Merrion Strand's inclusion was unsurprising, Sandymount's presence on the list was unexpected. I have never visited Portrane's Brook Beach and cannot comment on its condition.

The beaches in the 2018 report were classified as "poor" according to EPA standards, signifying consistently subpar water quality and potential health risks to bathers from bacteria and pollutants.

Current Situation (July 2024):

Water quality can fluctuate, so checking the latest reports from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or local authorities is crucial. However, as of July 2024, a swim restriction applies at Sandymount Strand for the entire season due to a "Poor" classification based on 2020-2023 assessments. This restriction aims to prevent exposure to pollution.

Summary of Current Bathing Water Results (as of 1st July 2024):

Killiney - Excellent
Seapoint - Excellent
Whiterock - Excellent
Forty Foot - Excellent
Sandycove - Excellent
Blackrock Baths Shore - Excellent
DĂșn Laoghaire Baths - Excellent
Coliemore Harbour - Excellent
Corbawn Strand - Excellent
Beach vs. Strand:

While often used interchangeably, subtle differences exist:

Beach: A broader term for any sandy, pebbly, or shelly shoreline, often associated with recreation.
Strand: More poetic, often linked to the sea/ocean, and prevalent in specific regions like Ireland.
In Ireland, "strand" is a common and perfectly acceptable way to refer to a beach.