In February 2008 I came across the following "J MAGUIRE, P NOLAN, D LAMBERT 1996" inscribed in a concrete section inset into a stone wall on Strand Road at Sandymount Strand. I suspect that they may have been builders or a construction crew. I checked but cannot find any reference to a construction project in the immediate area in 1996.

However Sandymount was included in the 1996 Tidy Towns Competition and they did not win and the Adjudicator's Report was somewhat critical:

"Approach roads to Sandymount including Claremont Road, Sandymount Avenue and Sandymount Road look attractive with an abundance of mature trees and gardens flaunting each side. The well kept houses on one side and the coast on the other with its newly painted baths make Strand Road another attractive approach. Given the busy nature of these routes their upkeep and maintenance is made more difficult and so the committee have done well to date in their efforts to control litter. However, the problem persists along Strand Road when day-tripper levels are high particularly at weekends and also along Merrion Road on the occasion of a large event."

"Planted trees provide an element of attractiveness to many roads and streets of Sandymount. The growth of weeds at the base of trees, however, detracts from the overall appearance. Weeds were present along Sandymount Avenue, Serpentine Avenue and at Serpentine Court. The area surrounding the level crossing on Serpentine Avenue was particularly untidy. Flyposting was evident on the section of the Merrion Road included."