The Ha'penny Bridge, an iconic landmark of Dublin, holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. As the city's oldest pedestrian bridge, it gracefully spans the River Liffey, connecting the bustling north and south sides of the city. Its distinctive white cast-iron structure and elegant arch design make it instantly recognisable and a beloved symbol of Dublin. Built in 1816, the bridge initially charged a halfpenny toll, hence its nickname, and served as a vital crossing point for pedestrians for over two centuries.

Today, the Ha'penny Bridge remains a popular destination for tourists and a favourite spot for leisurely strolls and romantic walks. Its historical significance, combined with its picturesque setting on the Liffey, makes it a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Dublin.

In recent years, Liffey Street, situated at the north end of the Ha'penny Bridge, has undergone a remarkable transformation. The street has been redeveloped and upgraded into a vibrant plaza or public space, offering a welcoming environment for pedestrians and visitors. The addition of new street lighting, carefully designed to match the structure, colour, and style of the bridge, further enhances the area's aesthetic appeal and creates a cohesive atmosphere.

As part of the redevelopment, the beloved sculpture "Hags With Bags" has been thoughtfully restored and returned to the street. This iconic artwork, depicting two women sitting on a bench having a chat, now occupies a slightly improved location, allowing for greater visibility and appreciation. Its presence adds a touch of whimsy and local charm to the revitalised Liffey Street, enriching the overall experience for visitors and residents alike.

The combination of the Ha'penny Bridge's enduring legacy, the revitalisation of Liffey Street, and the return of the "Hags With Bags" sculpture has created a truly captivating destination in the heart of Dublin. This area now seamlessly blends history, culture, and modern urban design, inviting people to gather, relax, and enjoy the unique atmosphere of this vibrant city.