The plaque describes this stone sculpture map of Carlow town and the River Barrow as a sculpture created by artist Michelle Byrne. It was unveiled on November 29, 2013, and is located beside the Barrow River in Carlow.

The sculpture is titled "The Templecroney Stone," and it features a detailed and accurate depiction of Carlow town and the river as they appeared in 2013. The map was carved into the stone using an overlay technique, creating a permanent "image" of the town for future generations to appreciate.

Michelle Byrne is a member of the 9 Stones Artists group, and this sculpture reflects her recent foray into stone sculpting, showcasing her talent and creativity.

Based on my research, here's what I can tell you about 9 Stones Artists:

Formation and Location: 9 Stones Artists is a collective of professional artists formed in 2004. They are based in the foothills of the Blackstairs Mountains in South County Carlow, Ireland.  

Members: The group consists of nine members:

Michelle Byrne  
Cathy Fitzgerald  
Annabel Konig  
Anthony Lyttle  
Remco de Fouw  
Martin Lyttle  
Jules Michael  
Rachel Joynt  
Gwen Wilkinson  

Focus and Activities: The group engages in various collaborative projects and exhibitions, showcasing their individual artistic practices and exploring themes related to their environment and community. They have collaborated with book artist Ciara Healy on "The Book Project," which resulted in a book of hand-printed woodblock prints reflecting on their relationship to their practice and place of work.  

Exhibitions and Recognition: Their work has been exhibited in various locations, including the VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art in Carlow.  

In essence, 9 Stones Artists is a dynamic collective of artists based in County Carlow, Ireland, dedicated to creative expression and collaboration.