Previously, I incorrectly identified this church in Kilkenny as the Church of St John The Evangelist. I only noticed the error today [ 14 May 2020].

St. John's Abbey, also called St John's Priory, is a medieval Augustinian abbey and National Monument located in Kilkenny City, Ireland. The Lady Chapel of the Abbey is now used as a parish church of the Church of Ireland.

The Lady Chapel of St John's was known for its many stained glass windows inspired by Sainte-Chapelle and the five triple lancet windows lighting the south side, and was called the Lantern of Ireland.

The roofless remains of the chancel of the old priory church with a seven-light east window (c. 1250). Inside the ruins are late mediaeval tombs including the altar tomb of a Purcell couple (1500) with carvings of the Crucifixion and the Apostles. The effigy of the lady wears a long flowing robe and a horned headdress.
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