St Patrick's College

St Patrick's College

National Seminary at Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth

The National Seminary at Saint Patrick’s College in Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland, is a significant institution with a rich history dating back to 1795. It has been a centre of religious education, serving the church in Ireland by training candidates for the priesthood.

Difference between the National Seminary and the University Campus

Saint Patrick’s College comprises both the National Seminary and the Pontifical University. However, these two entities, while sharing the same campus, are separate institutions with distinct roles. The National Seminary focuses on the formation of priests, while the Pontifical University specialises in the study of theology and philosophy and related areas.

Buildings of Interest

One of the most impressive buildings on the campus is the College Chapel. This the principal chapel of the college is considered one of the most beautiful places of worship in Ireland. Built between 1875 and 1891, the chapel has 454 carved stalls, making it the largest of its kind in the world. The chapel’s spire, added in 1895 to commemorate the college’s first centenary, stands at 273 feet. This makes it the tallest building in Leinster.

Another significant building is Rhetoric House, built in 1834. Formerly a residential house for trainee priests, it now hosts the Department of History.

The Grounds

The campus of Saint Patrick’s College is renowned for its beauty. The grounds are home to iconic buildings and exceptional landscapes, providing a serene environment for both study and reflection.

The Cemetery and the Ghost Story
The college cemetery is a significant part of the campus, with marked graves of past students and faculty. However, it is also associated with a chilling ghost story. The tale revolves around a room known as the ‘Ghost Room’ in Rhetoric House. In the mid-19th century, two young seminarians reportedly took their own lives in this room, nineteen years apart. The room has since been bricked up, but the story of its haunting past continues to intrigue visitors and students alike. Some stories claim that there were three suicides but I cannot find any supporting evidence.

These stories, while intriguing, are part of the rich tapestry of history and tradition that makes Saint Patrick’s College a unique institution. It’s important to remember that these tales represent a small part of the college’s long and distinguished history of education and service.
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