Today was meant to be a relaxing day at an event at Farmleigh House, a beautiful estate within Dublin's Phoenix Park. My journey began on the LUAS tram to Heuston Station, followed by a quick walk across the Sean Heuston Bridge to catch the new No. 99 bus. The sun was shining as I waited, promising a lovely outing.

That promise was quickly broken the moment the bus entered the park. We were hit by a torrential downpour, which continued until we reached... well, I thought we reached Farmleigh. I disembarked and took shelter, waiting for the rain to ease. After thirty minutes, a nagging feeling settled in. Something wasn't right.

I couldn't recall Farmleigh having a prominent square tower, and soon my suspicions were confirmed. I was at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, miles away from my intended destination. Now, I'd been to the Visitor Centre earlier this year – had even blogged about my disappointment with it! I'd wandered the grounds, photographing the strangely shaped trees. But somehow, I couldn't remember how to actually get to Farmleigh.

I asked for directions, but the person I spoke to must have either guessed or found great amusement in sending me the wrong way. An hour later, I was soaked, lost, and thoroughly miserable in the middle of a boggy wasteland. This was a new level of "lost" for me. To add insult to injury, the rain returned with a vengeance.

Long story short, I finally arrived at Farmleigh nearly three hours late, drenched, and in a foul mood. My grand plans of leisurely exploration were ruined.

Let this be a lesson: even the most familiar places can turn into an adventure. Always double-check your bus stop (or tram stop, or train station), and maybe pack an extra map – or at the very least, a compass. And if anyone offers to point you in the right direction within Phoenix Park, take their advice with a grain of salt!
Ashtown Castle is a tower house in the Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland.