Today I entered via the gate at the end of the North Circular Road and I followed the path that runs parallel to Infirmary Road section that I have not visited before.

Infirmary Road has a significant historical and functional relationship with Phoenix Park:

Historical Significance:

Royal Military Infirmary: The road's name originates from the Royal Military Infirmary, a major hospital that once stood within the park's boundaries. The hospital served the British military for many years before being repurposed as government offices.

Phoenix Park Access: Infirmary Road has traditionally been one of the main access points to Phoenix Park, especially from the city centre. The North Circular Road Gate, located at the intersection of Infirmary Road and the North Circular Road, is a prominent entrance to the park.

Functional Relationship:

Public Transportation: The Phoenix Park terminus for the 46A bus service is situated on Infirmary Road. This makes the park easily accessible by public transport for visitors and commuters.

Amenities: Infirmary Road houses amenities that cater to park users. The Phoenix Park playground, located just off Infirmary Road within the park, is a popular spot for families. Additionally, there are several hotels and guesthouses along Infirmary Road that serve tourists and visitors to the park.

Public Toilets (Closed): Previously, public toilets were located on Infirmary Road near the playground, serving as a convenient facility for park users. However, due to persistent vandalism and anti-social behaviour, Dublin City Council closed them down over 15 years ago. While there have been discussions about reopening them, no concrete plans exist as of yet.

The Former Public Park:

The area surrounding the playground, while still a park, was once a more formally defined park space with designated entrances and exits. It has now merged more seamlessly with the surrounding parkland.

Alternative Toilet Facilities:

While the Infirmary Road toilets remain closed, there are other toilet facilities available within Phoenix Park:

Visitor Centre
Papal Cross
Polo Grounds

The Office of Public Works (OPW) ensures these facilities are open during daylight hours and are well-maintained.