

Merrion Square Park in Dublin once housed a unique collection of antique lampposts, showcasing the city's rich history of street lighting. These lampposts, dating back to the 19th and early 20th centuries, were gathered from various locations across Dublin as they were replaced with modern electric lighting.

The collection was assembled in the 1990s with the intention of preserving these historical artifacts and creating an interesting feature within the park. However, the lampposts were already in poor condition when they were installed, having been exposed to the elements for many years. Despite attempts to restore them, their condition continued to deteriorate due to weathering and lack of maintenance.

In 2016, the Dublin City Council made the decision to remove the lampposts due to safety concerns. Many were rusted, unstable, and posed a risk to park visitors. Additionally, the lack of proper lighting in the park raised concerns about security.

Following their removal, the lampposts were placed in storage. The council has expressed interest in restoring and reinstalling the collection in the future, but there are no concrete plans or timelines in place yet. The restoration process is likely to be complex and expensive, requiring expertise in historical preservation and lighting technology.

The future of the lamppost collection remains uncertain. While there is a desire to preserve and showcase these historical artifacts, the challenges of restoration and finding a suitable location within Merrion Square Park remain to be addressed. It is hoped that a solution can be found that will allow the public to once again appreciate this unique aspect of Dublin's heritage.