

In December 2021, I was drawn to this Queen Street building, captivated by the vibrant street art by Decoy. However, before delving into the artist's work, it's important to acknowledge the unfortunate news of Token's imminent closure on 16 June 2024.

Token was a beloved arcade bar and restaurant on Queen Street, Dublin, offering a unique fusion of classic arcade games, pinball machines, and modern gaming consoles alongside a diverse menu. This blend of nostalgia and modern entertainment attracted both casual gamers and dedicated enthusiasts, quickly establishing it as a popular destination.

While the exact opening date remains unclear, Token opened its doors approximately eight years ago and swiftly gained a loyal following. The establishment was run by a team of passionate gamers and hospitality professionals committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

Although the building itself may not hold significant historical value, its transformation into Token breathed new life into the Queen Street area, transforming it into a vibrant hub for entertainment and socialising.

The recent announcement of Token's closure has deeply saddened its many patrons who cherished the unique experience it provided. The owners have cited the escalating cost of living crisis as the primary reason for this difficult decision. Despite often being fully booked, the rising operational costs, including rent, utilities, and supplies, have made it impossible to continue without substantially increasing prices, which they were reluctant to do.

This unfortunate situation reflects the broader challenges faced by countless businesses across Dublin and Ireland due to the ongoing economic pressures. It also highlights the delicate balance businesses must maintain between affordability for customers and covering operational costs to ensure long-term survival.

Token's closure is undoubtedly a loss for the Dublin community, serving as a stark reminder of the real-world consequences of the cost of living crisis on local businesses and the vibrant cultural landscape they contribute to.