

This property at 30 Manor Street was sold in March 2024 for Euro 490,000 which should be good news for the residents of Manor Street.

30 Manor Street, located in the Stoneybatter area of Dublin, has a recent history marked by both dereliction and a curious connection to the city's feral pigeon population.

For many years, the building, which once housed a shop and residential units, fell into disrepair and became known locally as "the pigeon house". This nickname stemmed from the large number of feral pigeons that were attracted to the derelict site and took up residence there.

The pigeon infestation became such a nuisance for local residents that it led to legal action. In 2019, Dublin City Council initiated proceedings against a resident of Manor Street, William Garnermann, for causing a nuisance by feeding the pigeons. This resulted in a large flock of birds taking up residence on the rooftop of 30 Manor Street, and their droppings caused significant issues for the surrounding community.

The case against Garnermann was ultimately settled in 2020, with the terms likely including him agreeing to stop feeding the pigeons. In March 2022, the council confirmed that they had withdrawn the civil action.

Despite its troubled past, 30 Manor Street was sold in March 2024. While details about the building's earlier history and the shop that once operated there remain unclear, its recent association with the pigeon infestation is a notable chapter in its story. The property, with its large rear garden, presents redevelopment opportunities, potentially marking a new beginning for this once-derelict site.