

I used a Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max and it did not preform well in low light combined with fog and rain ... now I know. You may have noticed that I experimented with "multi-framing" and, to be honest, I did not like the result.

The building of real interest is the Victorian Fruit And Vegetable Market which I will not discuss here as I intend to do so at a later date.

The Irish capital has struggled recently when it comes to housing. In response to this there was a plan for a major development situated opposite the city’s former fruit market and next to the building where H Lawlor is located. My understanding is that the Fruitmarket Partnership has applied for permission to build a shared accommodation scheme of 360 bedrooms, with a total of 506 beds, in 61 "apartment clusters" sharing kitchen and living facilities. The scheme would be built in four blocks on two separate sites on Mary’s Lane and Halston Street in the city’s markets area west of Capel Street. The four blocks would range in height up to 14 storeys or 49m, more than twice the 24m maximum allowed under the Dublin City Development Plan.

About a month ago Dublin City Council indicated that Mary’s Lane would get a new plaza, seating and cycle parking. And St Michan’s Park on Halston Street, and Greek Street, would also get major upgrades. Apparently the owner of H Lawlor is not keen on the idea as he operates from buildings on both sides of the street.