

Today (30 April) the city unveild a giant hashtag sculpture on Capel Street to recognise the award. This EU initiative will involve facilitating various events, engagements, and activities that will focus on best practices in sustainable tourism

I only noticed this structure a few days ago and by the following day someone had painted over the QR panel.

Dublin: A Shining Example of Smart Tourism in 2024

Dublin, Ireland is leading the way in the development of innovative, sustainable, and inclusive tourism practices. The European Commission recognised this commitment by awarding the city the designation of European Capital of Smart Tourism 2024. This honour highlights Dublin's success in utilising technology and community collaboration to enhance the experience of both visitors and residents.

What is Smart Tourism?

Smart tourism goes beyond simple digitisation. It's a philosophy that focuses on:

Sustainability: Reducing environmental impact through initiatives like promoting green transportation and supporting eco-friendly businesses.
Accessibility: Ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can comfortably explore and enjoy what the city has to offer.
Innovation: Using technology to improve visitor experiences, streamline services, and gather data to guide future tourism development.
Inclusivity: Involving local communities in tourism planning and ensuring that the benefits of tourism are shared across Dublin's diverse neighbourhoods.

Dublin's Smart Tourism Initiatives

Dublin's journey to becoming a smart tourism leader has involved numerous impactful projects:

The Smart Dublin Initiative: This collaborative program brings together the city council, businesses, and universities to develop innovative solutions for urban challenges, including those related to tourism.

Dublin Dashboard: Residents and visitors alike can access real-time data about traffic, public transport, air quality, footfall, and more to make informed travel decisions.

Sustainable Tourism Practices: The city has committed to ambitious carbon reduction targets and actively promotes eco-conscious tourism options.

Accessible Dublin: Dublin works to continuously improve accessibility across its attractions, transportation systems, and accommodations.

Why Visit Dublin in 2024

As the European Capital of Smart Tourism, Dublin offers visitors a unique and enriching experience in 2024:

Engaging with Technology: Interactive displays, augmented reality experiences, and smart signage enhance visits to museums, historical sites, and throughout the city.
Green Exploration: Dublin offers easy access to cycling paths, e-bike rentals, electric public transport, and walking tours – all promoting environmentally-friendly movement.
Celebrating Community: The city puts a spotlight on local neighbourhoods and businesses, encouraging visitors to discover Dublin's unique and diverse character.
Events and Programs: 2024 brings a special calendar of events, conferences, and initiatives focused on smart tourism, sustainability, and innovation.
Dublin's Legacy

Dublin's efforts not only make for a fantastic 2024 visitor experience, but also pave the way for the future of tourism:

Sharing Best Practices: Dublin openly shares its successful smart tourism strategies, encouraging collaboration with and inspiring other cities across Europe.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Dublin demonstrates how data collection on visitor trends and behaviours can lead to more informed and effective tourism management.
A Model for Change: Dublin acts as a beacon, proving that sustainable, accessible, and tech-driven tourism can be both beneficial and forward-thinking.

Plan Your Visit

To plan your smart tourism trip to Dublin, visit the European Capital of Smart Tourism – Dublin.ie website. Discover innovative experiences, sustainable accommodations, and accessible travel options throughout this vibrant European capital.