The Sheriff Street area in Dublin has a long history associated with bridge construction, reflecting the importance of the Royal Canal for transportation and industry. The current Sheriff Street Lifting Bridge, a distinctive landmark with its Scherzer rolling lift design, was built in 1941 to replace an older swivel bridge that dated back to 1873.

The original swivel bridge, while less sophisticated than its replacement, served as a vital connection across the Royal Canal for many decades. It facilitated the movement of goods and people, contributing to the growth and development of the surrounding area. As technology advanced and traffic demands increased, the need for a more efficient and modern bridge became apparent.

In 1941, the engineering firm Braithwaite & Co. Engineers Limited constructed the new Sheriff Street Lifting Bridge. This innovative bridge featured a rolling lift mechanism powered by a German-manufactured electric motor, allowing it to swiftly raise and lower its central span to accommodate both marine and road traffic. The bridge became an iconic symbol of the area's industrial heritage, showcasing the ingenuity of engineering and the importance of the canal for transportation.

Despite its significance, the Sheriff Street Lifting Bridge fell into disuse in the latter half of the 20th century, primarily due to the decline in commercial traffic on the Royal Canal. As fewer barges and boats needed to pass through, the need for a lifting bridge diminished. Additionally, the maintenance and operation of the bridge became increasingly expensive, leading to its eventual decommissioning, likely in the 1970s or 1980s.

Today, the bridge remains a prominent feature of the landscape, serving as a reminder of Dublin's industrial past and the role of the Royal Canal in the city's development. While it no longer operates as a functional bridge, there is growing interest in preserving it as a historical landmark. The unique design, historical significance, and connection to the community's collective memory make the Sheriff Street Lifting Bridge a valuable part of Dublin's cultural heritage.