Mother Redcap's, a former market and pub complex situated on Back Lane, holds a unique place in Dublin's history. Its transformation over the years, from a bustling shoe factory to a vibrant market, and the subsequent archaeological discoveries, reveal a multi-layered narrative of the city's past.

A Story of Transformation:

Originally built in the late 19th century as a shoe factory for James Winstanley, the complex played a vital role in Dublin's industrial landscape. In 1988, the site was repurposed as an indoor market and pub, becoming known for its diverse range of vendors and lively atmosphere. However, this era came to an end in the early 2000s when Mother Redcap's closed its doors.

Unearthing the Past:

Extensive archaeological excavations in 2006 unveiled a treasure trove of historical deposits, dating from the Hiberno-Norse period (c. 900 AD) to the post-medieval era. These discoveries included evidence of a Hiberno-Norse defensive bank, medieval cultivation, post-medieval occupation, and the remains of Kildare Hall, a historic building that once graced the site.

Preserving Heritage:

Although the market and pub are no longer in operation, the archaeological significance of Mother Redcap's cannot be overstated. The site stands as a testament to the layers of history that have shaped Dublin, highlighting the importance of preserving and understanding its heritage. While redevelopment plans for the site exist, the archaeological findings underscore the need for a balanced approach that respects the site's historical value.

The Winstanley Legacy:

The original Winstanley Shoe Factory was a major contributor to Dublin's industrial growth. Founded by James Winstanley, an English clogger who settled in Dublin in 1852, the factory thrived, producing thousands of pairs of shoes weekly and employing hundreds of workers, mostly from the Liberties area. Winstanley, an active community member and alderman, played a crucial role in the city's development.

From Factory to Marketplace:

The factory's strategic location on Back Lane, coupled with its use of modern machinery and production techniques, allowed it to flourish. However, by the 1980s, the factory closed due to changes in the global footwear industry. The site's subsequent transformation into Mother Redcap's Market and pub breathed new life into the area, but this too was short-lived.

A Window into Dublin's Past:

Despite the closures, the legacy of the Winstanley Shoe Factory and Mother Redcap's lives on. The archaeological remains unearthed in 2006 provide valuable insights into the site's long and varied history, reminding us of Dublin's rich industrial and cultural heritage.