Brutto, Dublin Street Artist

Brutto is a Brazilian-born street artist making waves in Dublin with his unique style and thought-provoking works. Notably, he uses cling film as his canvas, creating ephemeral art that changes daily. His work often features powerful messages and social commentary, and he has garnered attention for his distinctive approach and the temporary nature of his art.

Michael Collins Mural by Brutto

A mural featuring a portrait of Michael Collins, a revered figure in Irish history, has recently appeared on one of Dublin's busiest streets. The artwork, created by Brazilian-born street artist Brutto, is accompanied by a poignant quote attributed to Collins:

"Give us the future... we've had enough of your past... give us back our country to live in – to grow in... to love."

This quote, a powerful expression of the Irish yearning for self-determination and a brighter future, resonates deeply with the nation's history. Collins, a leader in the fight for Irish independence from British rule, encapsulates the spirit of a people seeking to shape their own destiny.

Brutto's mural serves as a reminder of this struggle for freedom and the ongoing desire for a nation where the Irish can live, grow, and love without external constraints. The artwork has garnered considerable attention, not only for its powerful message but also for Brutto's unique use of cling film as his canvas.

Brutto first began creating street art in Dublin in 2014, but his distinctive style and medium have recently captured wider recognition. His ephemeral works, changing with each passing day, add a dynamic and thought-provoking element to the city's urban landscape.