Chinese Pagoda at the Botanic Gardens (Belfast, 2017)

Information about the Chinese Pagoda at the Botanic Gardens in Belfast is limited. However, after some investigation, it has been confirmed that the pagoda was gifted to the city by its sister city, Hefei, China, in 1997.

This gift was part of a broader relationship between the two cities, culminating in a historic 'Sister Cities' agreement signed in June 2005. This agreement, extending beyond a traditional twinning, aims to strengthen civic, commercial, and cultural ties between Belfast and Hefei.

The agreement, signed by Lord Mayor Wallace Browne and Hefei Mayor Guo Wanging at Belfast City Hall, commits the two cities to collaborate on various areas of mutual interest. These include business development and investment, education and training, and initiatives to strengthen links with Belfast's Chinese community.

Hefei, a city of 1.2 million people, is the capital of Anhui Province in eastern China. It is among China's top 50 cities and has been designated as a Special Economic Zone by the Chinese government, with a focus on scientific, information technology, and financial activities.