While the Francis Street Environmental Improvement Scheme has been widely lauded as a success, the Meath Street Public Realm Improvement Scheme encountered some opposition and generated much debate within the local community.

Francis Street in Dublin, renowned for its antique shops and creative atmosphere, has recently undergone a significant transformation under the guidance of Dublin City Council. The Francis Street Environmental Improvement Scheme aimed to enhance the public realm and create a more inviting and vibrant environment.

The project encompassed various improvements, including:

Footpath widening: Sidewalks were broadened, providing more space for pedestrians and allowing for outdoor seating areas.
Greenery: The addition of trees and planters has brought a touch of nature to the street, improving air quality and aesthetics.
Street furniture: New benches, bicycle stands, and bins were installed, enhancing the functionality and convenience of the area.
Lighting: Upgraded lighting systems have improved visibility and safety, particularly during the evening hours.
Traffic calming measures: The implementation of raised pedestrian crossings and kerb buildouts has helped to reduce traffic speeds and prioritise pedestrian safety.

The Francis Street upgrade has been met with widespread approval from both residents and businesses. The improved public realm has led to increased footfall, greater economic activity, and a heightened sense of community pride.

Building on this success, Dublin City Council has now turned its attention to Meath Street, another historic thoroughfare in the Liberties area. The Meath Street Public Realm Improvement Scheme is currently underway and will feature similar enhancements to those implemented on Francis Street.

Key features of the Meath Street upgrade include:

Widened footpaths: More pedestrian space and potential for outdoor markets or trading.
Tree planting: Increased greenery to improve the streetscape and environmental quality.
New street furniture: Enhancing the functionality and comfort of the street.
Improved lighting and pedestrian crossings: Prioritising pedestrian safety and accessibility.
The Meath Street project aims to replicate the positive outcomes achieved on Francis Street, revitalising the area and creating a welcoming environment for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.