

18 Ormond Quay Upper stands as a testament to Dublin's rich mercantile past. Situated on the north bank of the River Liffey, this historic building, constructed in 1843, boasts an older 1750s structure to its rear. This architectural blend embodies the layers of history that have shaped the city's landscape.

A Window into Dublin's Commercial Past

The building's significance lies in its representation of the Liffey-side merchant houses that once dominated the city's waterfront. These buildings served as both residences and commercial spaces for the merchants who played a pivotal role in Dublin's economic development. 18 Ormond Quay Upper offers a glimpse into this bygone era, showcasing the architectural styles and construction techniques of the time.

The Dublin Civic Trust: Guardians of Heritage

The restoration of 18 Ormond Quay Upper was undertaken by the Dublin Civic Trust, an independent organisation dedicated to preserving and enhancing the city's architectural heritage. The Trust recognised the building's historical importance and its potential to contribute to the revitalisation of the area.

The restoration project was a meticulous endeavour, involving the use of traditional conservation techniques and materials. The aim was to preserve the building's original character while ensuring its structural integrity and functionality for future generations. The result is a beautifully restored building that serves as a reminder of Dublin's rich past and a beacon of hope for its future.

A Symbol of Resilience and Renewal

18 Ormond Quay Upper stands as a symbol of resilience and renewal. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of Dublin's architectural heritage and the dedication of organisations like the Dublin Civic Trust. The building's restoration has not only saved a piece of history but also breathed new life into the surrounding area, contributing to the ongoing revitalisation of Dublin's historic city centre.