This sculpture is called "Homeless Jesus" and it's located on the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. Created by Canadian sculptor Timothy Schmalz, it depicts Jesus as a homeless person, sleeping on a bench, identifiable only by the crucifixion wounds on his feet.

I have observed that many visitors seem to overlook it. There could be a few reasons for this:

Location: The sculpture is located in a corner of the cathedral grounds, not in a prominent central location. It's easy to miss if you're not actively looking for it and there are many more exciting things to see.

Subtlety: The sculpture is not grandiose or imposing. It's a life-sized figure on a bench, blending in with the surroundings. Its power lies in its subtle message and realistic portrayal of homelessness.

Theme: The theme of homelessness can be uncomfortable for some. It may not be something that tourists want to confront during their visit, especially if they are seeking a more lighthearted experience.

Lack of Awareness: Not all visitors may be aware of the sculpture's existence or its significance. There might not be enough signage or information provided to draw attention to it.

The "Homeless Jesus" sculpture, created by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz, is a life-size bronze statue depicting Jesus as a homeless person, lying on a park bench. The figure is shrouded in a blanket, with only the crucifixion wounds on his feet revealing his identity. The sculpture aims to challenge viewers' perceptions of homelessness and encourage empathy for those experiencing it.

Schmalz is known for his religious-themed sculptures that often focus on social justice issues. He has created several versions of "Homeless Jesus," which have been installed in various locations worldwide, including the Vatican.

The sculpture is located at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin due to a competition among potential sites. The cathedral was chosen for its central location, historical significance, and commitment to social outreach. The placement of the sculpture in such a prominent religious institution reinforces its message of compassion and the importance of recognising the humanity of all individuals, regardless of their circumstances.