

You may have noticed that the trees presented me with some problems.

The Spanish Civil War memorial in Belfast's Writer's Square is a bronze statue dedicated to the people of Belfast and Ireland who joined the XV International Brigade to fight against Fascism in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

While the memorial doesn't have an official title, it is often referred to as the "No PasarĂ¡n" statue. This is a reference to the Spanish Republican slogan used during the Spanish Civil War, meaning "They shall not pass." It symbolises the resistance against fascism and the determination of the International Brigades to defend the Spanish Republic.

The phrase is prominently featured on the memorial itself, further solidifying its association with the monument. So, it's perfectly understandable that the tour guide would use this term to identify it.

The Memorial:

Organised by: The Open Window Production Team, a group dedicated to promoting cultural and political awareness through the arts.

Paid for by: The Open Window Production Team through fundraising efforts and donations.

Commemorates: The memorial commemorates the individuals from both Catholic and Protestant traditions who volunteered to fight on the Republican side against Francisco Franco's Nationalist forces. It also honours those who supported the Spanish working class and their Republic.

Artist: Anto Brennan, a renowned sculptor from Belfast.

Location: Writer's Square was chosen due to its association with political and social expression, as well as its proximity to St. Anne's Cathedral, a significant landmark in the city. The square itself is named after local writers who have contributed to Belfast's cultural heritage.

Writer's Square:

The origins of Writer's Square can be traced back to the 18th century when it was part of the Donegall Street market. Over time, the area underwent redevelopment, and in the late 20th century, it was transformed into a public space dedicated to celebrating local writers. The square features statues and quotes from notable figures such as C.S. Lewis, John Hewitt, and Louis MacNeice.

The Spanish Civil War memorial serves as a reminder of Belfast's historical connection to international conflicts and the city's commitment to fighting against oppression and injustice. It also stands as a testament to the shared values and sacrifices made by individuals from diverse backgrounds in pursuit of a common goal.