My mother returned returned from London, where she was a ward matron and a midwife, immediately WW2 ended to work as a nurse at the Coombe Hospital but had to give up her job when she got married - a rule that made little sense.

The Coombe Memorial: A Dublin Landmark with a Rich History

Standing proudly in The Liberties area of Dublin, the Coombe Memorial is a poignant reminder of the legacy of the Coombe Lying-In Hospital, a landmark institution that played a pivotal role in maternity care in Ireland for over a century.
Today, the memorial serves as a tribute to the countless mothers who gave birth within its walls and to the dedicated staff who provided care.  

History of the Coombe Hospital

The Coombe Lying-In Hospital was established in 1826, spurred by the tragic deaths of two women and their newborn baby who perished in the snow while attempting to reach the Rotunda Hospital. This incident highlighted the desperate need for maternity care accessible to the poor in the city's southside.  

Led by the philanthropic Mrs. Margaret Boyle, a committee of benevolent individuals founded the hospital in the vacated building of the Meath Hospital on Meath Street. It officially opened its doors in 1829, providing vital maternity services to underprivileged women.  

Over the years, the hospital expanded and evolved. It became a teaching hospital, training countless midwives and doctors, and contributing significantly to advancements in obstetrics and gynaecology. The Guinness family also became significant benefactors, financing the construction of a dispensary block.

In 1967, the hospital relocated to a modern facility in Dolphin's Barn. However, the original portico of the old building was preserved and transformed into the Coombe Memorial.  

History of the Coombe Memorial

The Coombe Memorial is the surviving portico of the original Coombe Lying-In Hospital. This elegant structure, with its Doric columns and pediment, now stands as a testament to the hospital's legacy.  

In addition to commemorating the hospital's history, the memorial also serves as a unique record of Dublin's social history. The rear steps of the portico are inscribed with the names of well-known street characters from 20th-century Dublin, adding an extra layer of historical significance to the site.  

Financing and Maintenance

Financing: The initial construction of the Coombe Lying-In Hospital was funded through charitable donations and contributions from individuals like Mrs. Margaret Boyle. Later expansions and developments, like the dispensary block, were supported by benefactors such as the Guinness family.  
Maintenance: Currently, the Coombe Memorial is maintained by Dublin City Council, ensuring its preservation as a valued historical landmark.

The Coombe Memorial stands not just as a physical reminder of a bygone era but also as a symbol of compassion, dedication, and the enduring spirit of Dublin. It's a place where visitors can reflect on the hospital's remarkable history, appreciate the contributions of its staff and benefactors, and celebrate the lives of the countless mothers and babies who passed through its doors.