Front Line Defenders is an international non-governmental organisation founded in Ireland in 2001. Their mission is to protect human rights defenders at risk by providing grants, training, advocacy, security support, and visibility.

The Front Line Defenders Award is an annual award given to human rights defenders who demonstrate courage and leadership in their work. The award aims to raise awareness of the challenges faced by human rights defenders and to celebrate their achievements. The phrase "Protect One Empower a Thousand" is often used in association with the award to highlight the ripple effect of protecting a single human rights defender, which can lead to empowering many others.

The murals, posters, and street art I photographed 2013 were likely part of a campaign to raise awareness of the award and the work of Front Line Defenders. They often featured portraits of the award finalists or quotes from human rights defenders.

2013 Front Line Defenders Award Finalists:

Biram Dah Abeid (Mauritania) - Winner - Anti-slavery activist
Mam Sonando (Cambodia) - Journalist and radio station director
Alejandra Ancheita (Mexico) - Lawyer and founder of ProDESC
Joint Mobile Group (Russia) - Human rights organization focused on Chechnya
Maryam Al-Khawaja (Bahrain) - Activist and co-director of the Gulf Center for Human Rights

Front Line Defenders is an international non-governmental organisation founded in Ireland in 2001. Their mission is to protect human rights defenders at risk by providing grants, training, advocacy, security support, and visibility.