Galway was badly affected by the Great Famine (1845-1847) and at least 20% of the population perished. Relief works carried out during the Famine included the construction of the Dyke Road.
Throughout the west of Ireland, the landscape is scarred by strange criss-crossing roads that climb up into the hills then simply stop, incomplete, leading Salthill’s big yellow diving board at Blackrock, on Salthill’s famous seaside promenade, is often referred to as the Galway swimming institution and many people can be found swimming here at all hours of the day and in all conditions [despite very obvious dangers].
Even though I engage in what is often referred to as Street Photography my approach is to avoid including people who can be uniquely identified in my photographs. However at times I do have to make decisions relating to privacy and even though the weather was really bad when I visited the Diving Tower there was a large number of people there and this restricted what I could photograph which is a pity. Unfortunately, because of the weather conditions, I only had a small 25mm lens.
Galway was badly affected by the Great Famine (1845-1847) and at least 20% of the population perished. Relief works carried out during the Famine included the construction of the Dyke Road. Throughout the west of Ireland, the landscape is scarred by strange criss-crossing roads that climb up into the hills then simply stop, incomplete, leading Salthill’s big yellow diving board at Blackrock, on Salthill’s famous seaside promenade, is often referred to as the Galway swimming institution and many people can be found swimming here at all hours of the day and in all conditions [despite very obvious dangers]. Even though I engage in what is often referred to as Street Photography my approach is to avoid including people who can be uniquely identified in my photographs. However at times I do have to make decisions relating to privacy and even though the weather was really bad when I visited the Diving Tower there was a large number of people there and this restricted what I could photograph which is a pity. Unfortunately, because of the weather conditions, I only had a small 25mm lens.