Located on St Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin.

I first noticed this building back in 2009 but at the time I got lost trying to locate it but I now know the area must better.

The building provides social resources and civic representation for the community of the East Wall, including a theatre, day-care, creche, educational and recreational facilities.

Built on reclaimed land, its street network swivelled against the dominant grid iron urban development, East Wall is a place apart, contained within city-scale infrastructural boundaries.

Circumscribed by the curved lines of nineteenth-century railway tracks and the straight line of the eighteenth-century sea wall, it is offset from the Georgian grid parallel with the River Liffey. The site for the project is on the cleared ground of a former school building, appropriated in recent years for community welfare and sports facilities. The site exists as a significant void within the low-rise density of the neighbourhood of two storey terraced housing.