I assume that this is in fact a bollard but I did not noticed any others of this type while exploring Belfast.
Back in I was contacted by a follower who mentioned that it should be Donegal not Donegall but in this instance they were wrong. When I was six years of age I lived in Donegal and we visited Belfast on a regular basis and one day I noticed that a street sign Donegall rather than Donegal and when I asked my father about he said that it was a very old spelling error and that no one could be bothered to change it. Later I discovered that my father did know exactly why but he felt that it was too complicated to explain in detail.
Arthur Chichester, who was granted a charter for the city in 1613. When he and his descendants were made Earls of Donegal for services rendered a clerical error led to them becoming Earls of Donegall.
Donegall Square is a square in the centre of Belfast. In the centre is Belfast City Hall, the headquarters of Belfast City Council. Each side of the square is named according to its geographical location, i.e. Donegall Square North, South, East and West. It is named after the Donegall family. Other streets to bear their name in Belfast are Donegall Road, Donegall Pass and Donegall Street. Donegall Place, the city’s main shopping street, runs from the north side of the square.